RESULTS: Red Bull Rampage 2019 9

Rampage delivered plenty of drama and incredible progression as the 2019 edition went off in perfect conditions.

And just like that, finals day at Rampage was upon us. After 8 days of back breaking labor, with the crews carving their lines out of the Utah sand and rock, it was time for the big show. A 1-hour wind hold in the morning reminded us that Mother Nature always has the last word, but she probably wanted to see the show as well because the wind died down and the contest went down in great conditions.

First to drop out of the gate, Cam Zink showed us that he was here to win with a laundry list of tricks lined up on his massive line. Unfortunately a crash on front flip just before his biggest drop would put an end to run one, and we'd all have to wait for run two to see if he could put it all together. Carson Storch got redemption for his 2018 mishaps as he linked up his entire first run perfectly, including a massive 3 drop and plenty of spice on top. 85 was the score, and Carson would settle into the hot seat and get comfortable for a while. Swedish rookie Emil Johansson showed just how much style and control he has on a bike as he rode down his all-new line to a 79, stoked to link it all up and with more in the tank. Up next, Graham Agassiz charged his line with plenty of speed and authority, dropping to the ground after the finish line and giving Jordie Lunn 30 push ups. #longlivejordie

Getting deeper into the start list, we were treated to stomped run after stomped run. Vinny T put on his trademark speed show with a couple of big surprise tricks thrown in, giving the judges something to mull over - 81.33 for the fast Frenchie and the stoke level was high. With Semenuk in the gate, it was about to get higher! An incredible show of bike control as Semenuk absolutely charged his line, capping it all off with an off-axis flat drop backflip INTO his double drop. Trying to digest it all without slomo replay was an exercise in futility, and the judges took their time before delivering a massive 92.33. The bar was set, and Brandon had redemption for his 2018 misfortunes.

Also looking for redemption was Brendan Fairclough, who most would agree was robbed last year as he stomped his super unique line but wasn't rewarded by the judges. Brendog decided to come back and give it another go, and he proceeded to make his line even rowdier. How rowdy? How about BACKFLIPPING the scariest canyon gap on the hill? And adding speed, flair, and a backflip tuck no hander that he only learned the night before on the last trick booter. 87.66!!! The judges were convinced and Brendan was visibly elated to finally get the score he's been after for so many years.

Sorge dropped a clean run until his final trick booter where he came up short on a backflip variation. No such problems for Szymon Godziek who looks ever more comfortable out here in the desert. Massive drop, big tricks, and an 86 for third place at the line.

The only man to ride in every Rampage, Kyle Strait knows a thing or two about what it takes to put down your run and win out here. A super extended sui no hander off a massive drop usually helps, and nobody does them better than Kyle. Not to mention the speed and bike control, and the finish line taco. No, not a taco:ed wheel, but an actual taco eaten by Kyle LOL. 83.33 for Kyle and another solid place in the top ten on the horizon.

From one veteran to the next, T-MAC has been riding Rampage for years. With huge moves in his line, the newly naturalized Utah resident was looking to finally break into the very top echelons at the ultimate freeride event. 87, and into third! Thomas Genon followed him down, unfortunately a good run came undone on the last trick booter as Tommy G crashed hard attempting a flat spin. Next on deck, Tom van Steenbergen is always an exciting rider to watch here, as he always lays it all on the line. A front flip off the start line drop set the tone, and a backflip off the biggest drop on the mountain signed and sealed the deal. 89.66 and into second!

Local boy Ethan Nell dropped in looking to back up or improve his two previous third place finishes, and he looked well on his way, stomping a couple of massive flips and a 450 flat spin before coming undone on the last trick booter. Run two redemption for Ethan? Next on deck, a guy who really only rides one contest a year, the sick Spaniard always one of the most exciting riders to watch. With plans for tricks on nearly every feature, Andreu Lacondeguy did not come out here to get second place again. Huge amplitude and style, but maybe just too much of a good thing as Andreu went down trying to link a couple of incredibly technical features with tricks on both. Andreu was shaken up, but eventually popped back on his bike and rode to the finish line.

Time then for the defending champ to take make his bid for glory. Brett Rheeder took 6 years before winning his first Rampage, testament to what it takes to rise to the top out here. Rheeder put down a super technical run, but a couple of tagged lips left us - and the judges - wanting more. 84.33 saw Rheeder into 7th, and left with a little bit more work to do for run two.

Re-racking the start order following the first run meant that once again, we'd have some heavy hitters drop in first. Zink on deck, and we were holding our breathe. Could he land all the tricks he had planned and steal the show at the gong? Sadly, he over-rotated his very first move and just like that, it was over. From one big gun to the next, Andreu was back in the start gate and he would lay it all on the line. Backing off the throttle by 5%, he rectified the big overshoot of the first run, somehow surviving an incredible 450 to backflip combo that had him right on the edge of the track. To have it all come undone on the very last trick booter was oh so cruel, but Andreu showed us something we don't get to see every day - or maybe ever again.

The next big threat to roll in was Ethan Nell. After a few minutes waiting for the wind to die down, the local boy dropped in on a charge. A case on the flat spin 450 up top was an obvious blemish, but the rest of the run was huge and the final booter that ended his first run was ticked off clean. A flat tire at the finish line was testament to the violence of the case, which made the last part of the run a bit extra special. Ethan was happy to have been able to get to the bottom, and an 86 put him into 7th which earns him the automatic invite to next year's event.

Keeping up with the progression means learning new tricks, and Kyle Strait has been working on a couple of new things that he rolled out for run two. A 3 drop up top, a toboggan on the big drop and the run looked to have all the ingredients needed to move up, but the final trick booter was not done claiming victims yet. Strait went inverted but couldn't put it down, and he'd end the day with the first run score leaving him in 9th place. Time for Rheeder to roll in, and he cleaned up all the tags from the first run while adding a backflip variation to his big drop - what would the judges say? A 91 and into 2nd!

All eyes on Storch, who looked to be well on his way to an improved score with smooth tricks and huge amplitude. An ever so slight over-rotation on his massive 3 drop saw him blow his tire off the rim, and Storch would have to settle for his first-run score and 5th place. Next up, Szymon Godziek came out swinging, intent on moving up the standings. Amplitude, speed, and tons of tricks had us pumped, but the judges left him with a score almost identical to his first run. A few sloppy spots may have been his undoing.

Getting to the sharp end of the first run standings, T-Mac dropped in trying to climb back up towards the podium. A clean run but not enough added sauce would see him stay around his previous score and an awesome 5th place finish. And now only Brendan Fairclough stood between Semenuk and his third Rampage title. Could Brendog add even more spice to get his podium bid back on track? He could do one better: he stopped on top of his rock drop and gave Jordie 30 pushups. #longlivejordie.

Congrats to Brandon Semenuk on his third Rampage title, and to all the participants for an awesome show! And a special shout-out to Rampage rookie Juan Diego 'Johny' Salido who crashed hard on Thursday afternoon, woke up and started to practice on the morning of finals day before heading to hospital with severe internal pain. Turns out he had ruptured his spleen in the crash, and things got pretty bad. On the positive side, Johny won't need surgery, and is stable and recovering in hospital now. We wish him a speedy return to health!

2019 Red Bull Rampage Results

2019 Red Bull Rampage People's Choice Award
