Alaska , AK
Edited Date/Time
3/30/2023 9:41pm
saw his bike on Facebook market place!!!!!!!! Does this mean he officially quit?
Wow, was hoping to see he was releasing some new content or something...
Who is Jasper Penton?
Man, I hope not. Hope it also doesn't indicate being in a bad spot and having to sell a bike. Hopefully he's just got a new ride and is about to start shredding. Guy is like the DB Cooper of mountain biking.
Is he out of jail then? or was that just a rumor?
he has a vital raw video
Fairly talented cyclist.
The fact that you posted that video is bringing back memories of ETT. If you know, you know.
I’m guessing so, he has been active on Instagram he just hasn’t been posting. Hope he comes back one day
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