If the ding is causing enough deformation of the tire bead when seated that no amount of sealant will help, then yes you are SOL.
If it is just gurgling a bit and sealant is leaking out, you may be able to seal it with more sealant. If that is the case, add some glitter (go to an arts/crafts store, they'll have it for cheap) plus ~4oz of Stans/Orange Seal, pump up the PSI and let it pool in that spot and spurt out until it seals. If 4oz of sealant + glitter doesn't do the trick, you are SOL. The extra particles in the glitter will help seal up the slightly larger gaps like a blood clot.
The downside to this fix: there is a possibility if the rim is damaged enough you may burp the tire more often; or after hard riding it will reopen and leak again... Lastly, if you are changing tires you'll have to repeat this procedure each time.
You could try and gently hammer out the damaged spot, but without seeing it firsthand, can't advise.
Get ProCore - if you are already dinging rims you are riding hard enough with low enough pressure to cause rim strikes. Unless you want to add PSI to prevent that, Procore will solve the problem. And honestly Procore may solve this problem on the damaged rim anyways as the inner 80psi will provide enough mechanical force to keep the bead tight against the rim...
Try wrapping the inner diameter of the rim with a few turns of gorilla tape. It will make the tire bead and rim tolerance tighter. Use a lot sealant and a compressor.
Depending on how bad the rim is bent you could bend it back. If your rim is a really hard aluminum it could crack when bent...
Depending on how bad the rim is bent you could bend it back. If your rim is a really hard aluminum it could crack when bent back too much.
Not really sure what DrewB means by hammering it out?
A small crescent wrench works the best.
Touche - I meant 'hammer it out' as a figure of speech; depending on how/what the rim is bent/dinged you could use a hammer and/or pliers and/or wrench to bend it back to a more useable position. Just depends on the damage!
admittedly I did not read all of the comments however I have experience with this so I figured I'd share.
I dented my i9 enduro rim badly in two places and the tire would not seal. I took the tire off then put it in a truing stand and started bending the rim back with a crescent wrench. It took a bit of time to get it right but once i did the tire held fine. I've been on the rim for quite awhile since denting it in two spots and it continues to run fine.
If it is just gurgling a bit and sealant is leaking out, you may be able to seal it with more sealant. If that is the case, add some glitter (go to an arts/crafts store, they'll have it for cheap) plus ~4oz of Stans/Orange Seal, pump up the PSI and let it pool in that spot and spurt out until it seals. If 4oz of sealant + glitter doesn't do the trick, you are SOL. The extra particles in the glitter will help seal up the slightly larger gaps like a blood clot.
The downside to this fix: there is a possibility if the rim is damaged enough you may burp the tire more often; or after hard riding it will reopen and leak again... Lastly, if you are changing tires you'll have to repeat this procedure each time.
You could try and gently hammer out the damaged spot, but without seeing it firsthand, can't advise.
Get ProCore - if you are already dinging rims you are riding hard enough with low enough pressure to cause rim strikes. Unless you want to add PSI to prevent that, Procore will solve the problem. And honestly Procore may solve this problem on the damaged rim anyways as the inner 80psi will provide enough mechanical force to keep the bead tight against the rim...
Try wrapping the inner diameter of the rim with a few turns of gorilla tape. It will make the tire bead and rim tolerance tighter. Use a lot sealant and a compressor.
Not really sure what DrewB means by hammering it out?
A small crescent wrench works the best.
I dented my i9 enduro rim badly in two places and the tire would not seal. I took the tire off then put it in a truing stand and started bending the rim back with a crescent wrench. It took a bit of time to get it right but once i did the tire held fine. I've been on the rim for quite awhile since denting it in two spots and it continues to run fine.
Good luck.
you can repair rim dents pretty easily, and in fact mechanics have been doing it for decades... there is even a specific tool for the job...
mechanicing is really a lost art these days...
google Fixing-Rim-Dents
easy peasy...
Note it could further damage the rim but generally either of these tools will help bend back the rim.
I tubed the wheel so i can still ride!!
Thanks ya'll!!
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