Edited Date/Time
8/18/2014 2:00am
Reading the BMX forums on a few websites recently I have noticed a severe hatred towards mountain bikers. Now, most of the haters were younger riders, but there were a few older guys as well. A lot of you guys have ridden the Gunbarrel jumps, and you know (or should know) that a BMXer by the name of Matt tore down over 15 jumps. Why? Because he thought 26" wheelers destroyed the park, when all that was done was maintaining and more building. I feel that mountain bikers have a deep respect for the 20" guys, but I don't know why it doesn't go both ways. Even the recent Odd Couple vids get so many negative comments towards mountain bikers when the point of the videos is to bring the two sports together. What is going on? Are mountain bikes crowding the skate parks? Are they a threat to 20's for unknown reasons? Maybe this should be posted on some BMX forums, but whatever is going on, it's ridiculous, and we need to bring it to an end. There are enough forces working against bikers in general; we don't need to beef with our 2-wheeled relatives.
This conflict has been going on for years . . .
schredd on
Try hanging out at plus size bmx.They have a good mix of wheel sizes.
Humans every wher on our planet is allergic to new things or different things. People should only open up their minds a bit and get a wider perspective. Its not a one way road!
"Can't we all just get along?" Rodney King.
1. A great number of bmxer's are simple minded tools who have taken one too many cracks to the brain pan, and as a group have a very high level of self hatred and grumpiness, which they would like to share with the world.
2. Mountain bikes in skateparks suck, buy a 20.
BMXers invented most dirt and street tricks so they claim possesion of them. So when "the new guy" shows up they aren't happy to see him. Unfortunately I think it's all based on prejuduce, and that's an ugly problem that breed ugly results.
We should all remember we are all bike riders and to that we are all brothers. If you wanna hate somebody, hate the jackass security guard that runs you off from your favorite spot or the hillbilly that honks his horn and yells at you when your riding your bike.
Now go ride your bike in peace! ... Go on, git!
That said, I'm still scratching my head as to why the bike manufacturers aren't smart enough to go to their top sponsored bmx kid and say, "We are going to give you matching funds for any mtb contests you win along with a signature bike if you win 3 major ones... and if you don't enter any mtb contests this year, you can forget about riding for us next year." or something to that effect that offers a carrot, a stick, or a combination of both.
Can you imagine how huge that could be for a bike manufacturer? All of a sudden every kid needs a 20" and a 26"!! There is such a gigantic missed opportunity here that it is ridiculous that it has gone on now for a decade now. The great side benefit of going with such a plan is that I think it will go a long way toward getting bmxers to be a little more accepting if not outright embracing their mountain bike brothers.
"Missed Opportunity"...That is the PERFECT way of putting it. Ride your BMX when you can shred harder on it, and do the same with your MTB. I can't do all these spinny-doos, so I rarely ride my BMX unless I am working on my smoothness. Each has its own perks, and for my style and the terrain I ride, the 26" is almost always my gun of choice. Ahhh..this reminds me of all of the hatred towards Intense's 29" DH bike. Don't knock it until you have tried it...the thing is sexy as hell, and I can think of a million places I would love to have the extra traction and monster-truckin' ability. I guess some of us are even resistant to change.
How about this: many bmx riders are poor grumpy dudes that like to live in crap hole rentals and drink cheap beer and toss the empties in the pile in the corner and are proud of their simple work-hard-play-hard lifestyle. Basically blue collar dooders that like to snub anyone not just like them.
Mountain bikers are financially stable middle management yuppies living in the suburbs that like to drive suburus and audi wagons and stop by a locally owned coffee shop on their way to the skate park with their hardtail where they present themselves as socially retarded though amiable swell guy types just trying to get along with everyone at the party.
That's about as vague of a generality as I can make but as far as general perceptions of both crews, it's why we don't really get along all the time. But it's not like the hard working blue collar dude vs yuppie cubicle white collar dude rivalry is limited to bmx vs mountain bikers. That bit of culture clash exists well beyond the boundaries of cycling and probably always will.
Sorry for the academic speak there guys. Grad school will MESS YOU UP!
Keep it real. Don't get too high brow on us.
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