Luke Afb, AZ
Edited Date/Time
5/15/2020 8:06am

So I’m wanting to add a dropper post to my Yeti SB95, but feel like the external droppers look sloppy. I’m considering drilling a small hole into the base of the seat tube and BB to route the cable under the bottom tube (and not interfere with the linkage).
Any thoughts, or is this just dumb? I feel like this would be the cleanest method and least compromising to frame integrity.
Having said all that, i would personally just run the external one if your only motivation is to make your bike look "better".
Interesting. I didn’t realize they made droppers that connected at the base like that. I pretty much see internals, and a few sloppy externals running up to beneath the seat. I like this idea better, but $300 is a bit steep! Are there less expensive variants that you guys know of?
I also came across a thread where someone did the exact same thing with the drilling, just for any curious minds out there
A new bike came with a dropper. “Put it down for jumps/stunts” so I tried it a few times. Hated it - couldn’t feel the seat for “security”. Used the dropper - every time I came to a halt. Never used it for riding.
Always trying to improve - I paid for some coaching.
I was shown that putting the seat down, and assuming a new position on the bike, (One that would be impossible with the seat up) had big advantages.
I now use the dropper at about the same frequency as the gear levers - everytime I stand up, and I stand up a lot!
I practiced in the park with a buddy this evening and played with the seat height. Just raising or lowering it an inch or two seemed to change the balance point, especially doing wheelies. Side note-my friend tried to wheelie with the seat up higher and snagged his men when he went too far back lol
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