Conshohocken, PA
So I have been having some odd sounds coming from my slash and cant really tell what it could be. I think there is a knocking sound coming from the re:aktiv thru shaft shock. I had taken the shock off the bike, pivots were all good, which leads be to think its the shock. I also think there is some bad cable rattle in the main frame. If anyone has had these problems and knows how to fix them let me know.
1) Yes, there is likely a lot of cable knock inside the frame. There are a few solutions to this, one involving window lining foam (foam strips) and some strategically placed electrical tape to keep the cables from sliding around.
2) Honestly, that shock is garbage. I don't say that lightly. Trek kind of blew it on that one. Any shock will hold up better.
i about to send it away for an inspection.
if you've resolved the problem could you please tell me thanks Ryan
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