Oh, how the time flies. The past few months have flown by. And somehow, we haven't recorded a B Practice Podcast since the last World Cup back in October. We were overdue for a catchup to discuss the many series and team changes and, of course, our main man Dak's gnarly off-season injury. We get into all the details of what happened, his recovery, and why he's in a better place than before to handle such a setback. We then get into all the team rumor gossip, Continental series gossip, career numbers, and finish things off with a debate on what is the ultimate dream sponsor. Enjoy!
- 0:00 - Intro
- 3:10 - Dak injury details, update, recovery
- 14:45 - Thoughts on the risk of riding moto during the offseason
- 18:17 - Dak's headspace during his injury
- 21:39 - How Dak's program has changed to avoid fatigue, over-training, and stress
- 26:26 - Where Dak started to find solutions to his health problems
- 31:12 - Finding confidence and happiness in your life
- 41:10 - Dak getting hurt at his house
- 43:19 - Dak's new video with GoPro' In Their Element'
- 45:11 - Mondraker doing a fill-in for Dak?
- 47:20 - Confirmed team changes for 2025
- 1:02:08 - Rumored team changes for 2025
- 1:19:28 - New team rules pushing out smaller teams and screwing 'bubble' riders
- 1:22:35 - Continental Series chit-chat and what it takes to make it to World Cups now
- 1:27:41 - Chit-chat about U.S. Series carrying weight against World Cups
- 1:39:01 - What career number would Dak pick?
- 1:40:37 - More team rumor talk
- 1:46:15 - Why Dak doesn’t like to wear gloves + what grips he runs
- 1:52:59 - Dream sponsor?
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