From the Inside Out DVD Review 56

I just finished watching From the Inside Out and I have to say that the DSLR Generation has made their permanent mark in the MTB film world. Second Base Films (aka The Coastal Crew) has done a great job of making a mountain bike movie that reflects their modern style while retaining some real, actual soul.
     The riding in the film is a's all fantastic. The jumps are big, the lines are fast, the scenery is epic and the riders are at the top of their game (Semenuk's training ground section is bonkers). It's the understated sentiment of the presentation that seems to make it work so well.
     As a community, it seems that freeriders have come full circle with their approach to a film project. "Back in the day" the film-makers tagged along as riders did what they always did, whether cameras were on them or not. Then we hit the new millenium and freeriding superstardom was within reach for anyone with a shovel and a miniDV camera. Riders came and went and 'freeride' video sections were overdone; the riding, the stunts, everything about a section was created only for the purpose of a bike movie, leaving the soul of mountain biking buried in the landing of a jump.
     In comes the DSLR generation with cameras that could rival 16mm and the internet, a medium that could ensure anyone with an eye and a tripod may possibly have their video seen by millions. Out of all the bike video nerds fighting over views with flash-in-the-pan web videos, the Coastal Crew did something right. They had patience and they built a brand. The philosophy of that brand was pretty simple, too...solid bike riding driven by a passion for building trails and a desire to document the activity. Their web videos gained momentum and Anthill Films saw their potential. As a result we have From the Inside Out, a partnership of the pro and the apprentice.
      As I finished the film, I felt like I just watched some normal days in the life of the Coastal Crew and their friends. I wasn't force fed extreme stunts or melodramatic dialogue. There was a sense of purity, as if you could show up to any of the spots in the film right now and they would actually be there riding, pushing themselves, if the cameras were on or not. Sure a lot of the stunts and trails were made for the filming, but that's a reality today and their vision doesn't seem clouded. They build what they want to ride, not what they need to film.
    The stoke they had after jumping a train or the fact they finally found a classic riding zone in Squamish that inspired them when they first got into bikes are pieces of the movie that let you feel the breath of the lives these kids lead. I sense they appreciate the opportunities that bikes have given them and if all of their filming equipment was eaten by a bear in the backcountry, they'd still be out shredding bikes and digging trails...true soul. Well done.

Go get your DVD or buy it on iTunes. Share the joy of bikes with friends like the Coastal Crew shared their joy through this film.

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