Welcome to Sweden - Diary of a Roadtrip 1

Valkommen Till Sverige (Welcome to Sweden) is road trip mini-series in 6 episodes made by 3 French riders, Robin Camacho, Bastian Huber, and Remy Metailler, dedicated to discovering the riding spots of Sweden.

Episode 6

The trip ends with a few days around Stockholm, sampling some of the local trails - the boys get pretty rowdy here on some tasty looking homegrown.

For more information about the small resort featured in some of the shots in episode 6: Hammarbybacken

Episode 5

Machine-built trail goodness in Salen, one of Sweden's more well-known ski resorts.

For more information about the resort:Salen

Episode 4

In episode 4, the 3 Musketeers take on Klappen - another small Swedish ski resort which has invested in proper mountain bike trails. We have nothing to say about the GoPro in the jacuzzi, but the riding looks fun!

For more information about the resort:Klappen

Episode 3

Our intrepid explorers arrive at Gesunda, where they not only discover a fun looking bike park but also the Swedish Champs in full swing. Remy decides to enter, and finally takes home a very respectable 9th place overall (with Robin Wallner taking the win and the title of Swedish Champion).

For more information about the resort:Gesunda

Episode 2

For the second stop of the trip, the trio heads to Are, probably the most well known of all the Swedish resorts. On the menu, high alpine shredding and the kind of trails where you seem to spend more time in the air than on the ground:

More information about the resort:Are Bike Park

Episode 1

In the first installment they discover Jarvso, a tiny resort served by a single lift, which nevertheless offers up some pretty good-looking trails and riding:

More information about the resort:Jarvso Bergcykelpark

Robin Camacho's video feed:SpacebearTV

Spacebear on Facebook:The Spacebear Art Collection

Credit: Robin Camacho / Spacebear


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