Vital Went Huge: All About the New Site Format 9

Last we checked, it's the year 2011 (almost 2012), which means the large majority of you have high resolution monitors. We decided to take advantage of this and supersize just about everything. In the process, we also added a new widget to the homepage that we think you'll find very useful.

MS Paint for the win

Our featured content lives at the top of the homepage. It's the stuff we're the most proud of or that really deserves the spotlight. In the past, these articles would disappear after a few days. That's no longer the case. Now you can browse the last 30 days worth of featured content. Simply click the little arrow button to see all the goods from the past month.

Ty Bowmaker crushed it with his recent Aussie race video.

Also new at the top of the homepage is the Most Popular tab. Curious what got the most views during the past month? This is the place to find out. You'll find the cream of the crop on this tab.

If you were away, you might have missed these two big stories...
There is another Most Popular tab on the lower portion of the homepage where all posts appear. The lower one shows the most viewed posts from the past 7 days. Why is that awesome? Because if you're out on a multi-day backwoods biking adventure with no cell service, you can return home, load up Vital, and easily find all the important things you missed.

Double-click to edit

We made video pages bigger, and we increased video quality settings so they'll be more crisp than ever. (Fist pump!)

Bigger photos on articles. Woot woot!

Photo pages remain the same, simply because they were already big.

Article width increased drastically. We're pumped on this. Now we'll be able to present more visually appealing photo/text/video stories like the one you're reading right now.

We're interested in what you think and would love to hear your feedback. Please comment below or send an email to If you happen to see a few programmers at your local bar wearing Vital t-shirts, they'd gladly accept a beer, too!

Keep coming and we'll keep improving things. Thanks for your support.


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