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Hello mountain bikers! Welcome to episode 2 of Vital MTB's The Inside Line. We are overwhelmed by reception and the kind words you all had for episode 1 with Eliot Jackson. We really appreciate the support and excitement for what we're doing.
We are excited to bring you episode 2. I sat down with Brian Lopes last week at The Pedaler's Fork restaurant, coffee shop and bike shop in Calabasas, CA, and we had a great discussion about some of his history, how he turned pro, the heyday of mountain biking, his move to Ellsworth bikes in 2017 and why it seems like some of you just love to hate him in the internet comments.
We currently have four other interviews with MTB athletes and industry personalities that are waiting to be broadcast, but I felt like my talk with Brian needed to be bumped to the front of the queue due to some time-specific topics.
Sit back, grab the popcorn and enjoy. I learned a lot about Brian that I didn't know before and I hope you do too.
Every other Wednesday we will launch new episodes of The Inside Line. Please tune in while at work, on the trail or on the road. -spomer
- Follow Brian Lopes on Instagram - @brianlopes
- Follow Brian Lopes on Facebook -
Brian Lopes, ABA Grands, 1991. Photo by Brad McDonald
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