UPDATE: Bart Andrzejewski's sick sunset shot took home a convincing victory at this week's polling station, which will no doubt please Vital member cravks, this week's lucky voter. Both Bart and cravks will each take home the Archi Enduro helmet from Urge!
Specific disciplines require dedicated equipment, and this was never more true than when it comes to the helmet. Urge created the Archi Enduro by following the ideas and feelings of some of the best Enduro riders of the planet like Mark Weir, Florian Nicolaï, Alexandre Cure, Jesse Melamed, Fabien Barel, and Joe Barnes.The Archi Enduro offers the same protection as their DH helmet, the Down O matic. But the Archi also offers an optimal level of comfort thanks to its reduced weight, high breathability and shorter back, allowing the rider to comfortably wear a backpack. And, not only is it a unique helmet, it is now also available in the Veggie version, made from natural linen fiber.
Bartek Obukowicz by Bart Andrzejewski
Sam Pilgrim by Eric Palmer
Toboggan by Igor Krivek
Rhys Jenner by Marcin Bialas
High Mountain Corner by BasqueMTB
The Vital Photo Comp is a weekly photo competition, with prizes awarded to the picture that receives the most votes, as well as a randomly selected member who voted for the winning shot. If you'd like your photos to be eligible, create an account and upload your shots. To be eligible for the voter prize drawing, just make sure you are logged in to your Vital account when you vote - it's that simple!
This Vital MTB Weekly Photo Comp is presented by Urge.
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