Vital MTB Weekly Photo Comp - Presented by Royal Racing 1

UPDATE: This week's comp turned into a 2-horse race, with Robert Loughlin's steezy shot taking home top honors - much to the delight of Vital member ony artha, our lucky voter. Both winners will each receive the Victory Race jersey, Victory Race short, and a pair of Victory gloves, all from Royal Racing!

Steve Peat, Neko Mulally, the Urge Rocky Mountain BP Rally Team, Mark Weir and many others rock the Victory Race outfit. Tailored and spec’d to the requirements of the fastest racers in the world, the Victory gear is race bred through and through, with nothing left to chance.



Kristjan Vrecek by Klemen Humar

Lukas Morcinietz by Robert Loughlin

So Enduro by Isa Halamani

Selfie Step Down by Matt Slager

Fun in the Fog by Ewa Kania

The Vital Photo Comp is a weekly photo competition, with prizes awarded to the picture that receives the most votes, as well as a randomly selected member who voted for the winning shot. If you'd like your photos to be eligible, create an account and upload your shots. To be eligible for the voter prize drawing, just make sure you are logged in to your Vital account when you vote - it's that simple!

This Vital MTB Weekly Photo Comp is presented by Royal Racing.


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