UPDATE: Piotr Staroń's photo of Marcel Haczek ripping through the trees wins this Vital MTB Weekly Photo Comp. Piotr earned himself a pair of the casual but functional Five Ten Freerider Pro shoes. These shoes get the job done on and off the bike.
Every Tuesday we hold a photo competition where five of seven 'Daily Shots' from the previous week go head-to-head in a winner-take-all photo face-off. If you're like to be eligible, upload your mountain bike photos here.
FIFTH PLACE: Rob Mcclellan by Bob Bogdan Williams
SECOND PLACE: Nico Scholze by Christoph Laue
FIRST PLACE: Marcel Haczek by Piotr Staroń
FOURTH PLACE: Sam Pilgrim by Kenneth Einars
THIRD PLACE: Sam Pilgrim by Sam Davies
This is a weekly photo competition. If you'd like your photos to be eligible, create an account and upload your shots. Good luck!
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