Vital MTB Social Scoop 13

Go on, have another scoop. You know you want to!

We're just glad that more and more people are being consumed by their phones rather than being consumed by the trails because that just means more room for us to haul ass.

  1. Thanks ThomDawson.
  2. Correct, VitalMX was first, and we have no shame in copying our workmates who do things extremely well.
  3. We'll just save PB time with some content ideas they can use for free: 18 Questions (fun, low-key video interview format with pro riders), Pinkbike Uncooked (action riding videos featuring quick cuts of out-of-the-camera footage), The Inside Rut (a one-on-one podcast interview series with bike people).
  4. Sorry for the immature, pissing match rant. Back to fun bike stuff about having fun on our bikes and stuff.

Beat it you fucking kooks!

A post shared by Seth Rand (@sethrorand) on Feb 9, 2018 at 11:10am PST


Shame this needs to be said.

Just gonna send it.

Fully pinned! ✊??? @ethan_nell @djshreda ??

A post shared by Nicholi Rogatkin (@nicholirogatkin) on Feb 6, 2018 at 10:55am PST



It’s always a race! ✊??

A post shared by Pro Mountain Biker ?? (@brynatkinson) on Feb 7, 2018 at 11:08am PST


Bryn wins.

Never give 98%. Ever.



Pretty much sums it up.


What's that R.E.M. song about the end of the world or something?


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