Vital MTB Social Scoop 1

When safety nets go too far.

Don't let winter get you down. If you have an imagination, front end loader or abandoned golf course, you'll be drifting, hucking and sliding your way right out of the doldrums with or without a training device.

gordo: This week's guest on The Inside Line, Brodi.

iceman: Obviously a French dog.

gordo: Slipknot. 'Nuff said.

iceman: The original and still the best.

Thank you @darrenquist for building this manual trainer @spawncycles

A post shared by Mateo Quist (@mateoquist_) on Jan 14, 2018 at 2:35pm PST


gordo: Is it really that hard to go ride on the sidewalk and practice your manuals? Or, "it's no RipRow."

iceman: You know you want one.

Watch out @redgerard is .coming in hot?

A post shared by tobymiller™ (@tobymiller) on Dec 29, 2017 at 11:52am PST


gordo: From the new workout video, Abs of P-Tex.

iceman: It's all fun and games until you realize your skis are still up the hill.

The other day @tateroskelley and I created magic. Make bmx yours. #bmx

A post shared by Riley Smith (@rileyroosmith) on Jan 19, 2018 at 8:20pm PST


gordo: Tate BOSSkelley gets it done without a manual training device.

iceman: "Hey dude, I think my battery just died..."

What do you mean Drift? #heavyequipmentnation

A post shared by Heavy Equipment nation (@heavyequipmentnation) on Jan 17, 2018 at 5:57pm PST


gordo: Kovarik driving a front-end loader?

iceman: Do you even drift bro?

gordo: All I can focus on is that immaculately sculpted pumptrack.

iceman: And to think they said tree-hugging would never become a serious sport.

When you gotta go to church but bike is life ?

A post shared by ➲SEND IT™ (@senditofficial) on Jan 15, 2018 at 5:37pm PST


butters: Get it, sister! You may have found your true calling.

iceman: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - #aeronun

Went for Gold but got a DNF.

A post shared by Reggi Cody Gessel (@codyyygessel) on Jan 18, 2018 at 6:12pm PST


gordo: Gessel-locks and the 3 not-so-little airs.

iceman: Looks like the hair slowed him down a bit there.

Enduro spot ⛳️ @benito__gi

A post shared by Vincent Tupin (@vinny_t_) on Jan 17, 2018 at 9:18am PST


gordo: DH bike = driver, FR bike = 3 wood, Enduro bike = 3 iron, Trail bike = 5 iron, XC bike = 9 iron, DJ bike = Sand wedge, BMX = putter.

iceman: Enduro-specific golf courses? Whatever will they think of next?


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