Vital MTB Social Scoop 4

Plenty of internet distraction between holiday parties, fires and snow storms.

If it wasn't on Instagram, did it even happen? The jury's still out on that one, but in the meantime, all we know is that anything you post can and will be held against you in the court of the Social Scoop. But please, don't let that stop you. Never stop posting!

Eric Porter and the Mexican Dirt Hole

gordo: P-tucky investigating ways around the wall.

iceman: I'm not the kind of guy who says "I told you so" but I definitely could have told you so.

$3200 Dior BMX Bike, Only 70 Made

gordo: 32 hundo and it ain't even got no front breaks. (typo and grammar intentional)

iceman: No, we said "make it a Deore, not Dior build." #idiots #models

Adam Brayton's New Car

gordo: #iamcashtoflat

iceman: The quickest way to get your gas tank to flat. #gastoflat

YT Family Reunion

gordo: Team rumor police present and accounted for.

iceman: They're probably trying to soften up the cops just in case things should get a little too festive.

Literally Tubeless

gordo: No 26, no care.

iceman: If they ever invent time travel, the first thing I'm doing is going back to how it was before I saw this.

The Future of Trail Building?

gordo: It's like the Roomba, but opposite. #nojobissafefromthefuture

iceman: Actually, this IS your Dad's R/C toy.

Manual Labor

gordo: Your "my bike is too long to manual" excuse is now completely invalid.

iceman: The "my knees are too old" excuse still works though.

Modern Trials Techniques

gordo: Is it a dab if your hands or feet never touch the obstacle?

iceman: Is there was bread on the table, he'd be on a roll?


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