The DreamRide - Lose Yourself in Amazing Mountain Bike Landscapes with Mike Hopkins

The complete trilogy and a tip of the trucker hat to Mike Hopkins and the DreamRide crew.

When we at Diamondback first started down the DreamRide vortex, we had no idea what we were getting into. We thought we’d asked them to make a video for a product launch. Instead, we got a feast for the eyes: three tales that invite us into a world of wild adventures through mystical landscapes.

Every spring when we head back out for the first rides of the season, we look at familiar trails with a fresh perspective. So too with DreamRide. Take a fresh look at scenes from all three films packed into one final edition, DreamRide - A Trilogy.

As they say, every great ride has to come to an end, or is it a place where the next will begin? Til next time, old friend.

Mike's Take

The DreamRide series began with a simple idea: Take a childhood book filled with adventure, discovery, excitement, uncertainty, strange and far-off lands ... and bring it to life ... Turns out simple, ain't easy. At the end of the day, an idea remains an idea until someone puts in the work, takes that lightbulb of inspiration, builds it out, and brings it to life. You could say ideas and execution live on different poles of the same planet, and it takes one hell of a team to connect them.

We set out to create an experience with enough relatable context that anyone could picture themselves within the folds of the story, in the same way a book makes a reader feel like a character.

From the get-go, this was a "we" not a "me" project. Counterintuitive to the hero structure of sport, the focal point of this series was never going to be the athlete. I was merely the vehicle to take audiences through the story. This approach enabled the series to exist both within the industry and beyond. So, naturally, we're pretty stoked with how it all turned out and the opportunities that lie ahead!

To the Friends Made Along the Way: Via Bruno Long

As a small crew exploring unique locations all over the world, we couldn’t have created a series like this without the help from random people in every spot. The hospitality and kindness of strangers along our travels helped us find locations that we wouldn’t have otherwise found on our own. From getting directions to a secret canyon drawn for us on a napkin, to having Hawaiian locals show us their zone and take days off of work to help build props for our shoot, to New Zealand heli mechanics (Blair, you're the man!) letting us stay at their house, we couldn’t have done it without the kindness and generosity of these people. It’s a humbling experience to accept help from someone that you don’t know, and it’s a great exercise in trusting others to help you with such an important project.

I’ve learned so much from all of the people I’ve met along my travels, and I try every day to incorporate that sort of kindness and helpfulness into my own life. I cannot thank all of them enough for enriching my own life and teaching me to trust my instincts and be open to accepting help when you truly need it.

The Dream Team

Mike's Take

I'll be the first person to tell you that I can be a real "treat" to work with. I push things to the brink when trying to execute an idea, and my approach is not for everyone. Hell, it's barely for anyone. 

I bring this up because nothing gets done without a team, and it definitely helps when they are cut from the same crazy piece of cloth. I have an amazing (and small) group of talented friends who beat to the same drum. I can't say we've been through it all, but we've definitely put our chips on the table through 48-hour editing marathons, erupting volcanoes, altitude sickness, sandstorms, frostbite, heatstroke, never-ending ass-cramping drives, dirt naps, spider-infested jungle, hurricane-force storms, dodging acid pools, crushed croissants, destroyed gear, unbreathable air and sleeping in respirators, razor grass, lava tubes ... and most of this enjoyed from the travel comforts of a single minivan.

How have we been able to endure the pre-, on-location, and post-production of these projects? Because we have an incredible amount of trust within our team. All I gotta say is that you guys are the best bunch of misfits, and make one hell of a creative force!

Gibb's Take

What I loved about working on the DreamRide series is everyone's willingness to go above and beyond to capture something unique and fresh. Sometimes that meant driving almost six hours for one shot. Other times that meant driving on the Loneliest Road in America to the northwest corner of Nevada to find out that we couldn't get permission to ride at our dream location. Sometimes it meant staying at a location a few extra days because we weren't quite able to get the shot. It was because of this attitude and hard work of the team that we were able to capture the beautiful footage that made DreamRide.

Presented By: Diamondback Bikes

Director/Athlete: Mike Hopkins

Producers: Juicy Studios, Mike Hopkins

Cinematography: Scott Secco, Ryan Gibb, Jordan Manley, David Peacock, Andre Nutini

Additional Cinematography: John Colthorpe, Axel Fostvedt

Photography: Bruno Long

Writer: Lacy Kemp

Editing/VFX: Juicy Studios / Scotty Carlson

Sound and Audio Design: Keith White Audio

... and countless support from friends and family.