Spank Shut-Up and Whip Photo Contest Finale #spankwhipoff

As a celebration of the Whip Off World Champs at Crankworx Whistler, Spank Industries and Vital MTB have partnered to help you get in on the action. Your best motowhip photo could win you a gaggle of Spank gear!

Grand Prize Package

All you have to do is tag any MTB whip photo you shot on Instagram with the hashtag #spankwhipoff and you're automatically entered.

#spankwhipoff Photo Contest Rules

  • Photos must be on Instagram using #spankwhipoff
  • If you're a rider with a great shot of yourself whipping it, have the photographer add the photo to Instagram and tag it #spankwhipoff.
  • The contest ends at 10pm Pacific time Sunday, August 16 and the winners will be announced shortly after.

Check out some of the latest entries and hashtag your Instagram whip pics with #spankwhipoff.

Get shooting!
