STUND Season 3 Coming to Vital MTB 2

The Boys are back!

Enough with the questions! Yes, there will be a 3rd season of STUND, and it will be debuting on Vital MTB. One episode per week. Eight episodes total. Are you ready?

STUND Season 3 Trailer - More Mountain Bike Videos

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STUND Visions, mountain biking's first online series, started back in 2006. Before the industry knew where things would be going, STUND made a move more than five years ago and took a chance on creating the first ever series to exclusively air on the web. Since then they've had two seasons under their belt and are now proud to announce the third and best season yet.

The STUND crew threw it all on the table this year, determined to make this the best season of all. Setting up cable cams, flying around scouting lines, building trails, and exploring as much as they could. It will feature the same amazing and talented riders from season two: James Doerfling, Steve Romaniuk, Garett Beuhler, and Mike Kinrade.

STUND is made possible by:

Episode one premiers soon. Get pumped!

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