Windham Mountain is a legendary East Coast track. First raced here in 2008, its debut was met with resounding praise. It was steep, loose, fast, and gnarly and would become a paradigm shift for racing in the US. Windham became a World Cup round in 2010 after riders voicing their enthusiasm for the track were taken seriously and a petition was put forth. On a world scale, the venue quickly became iconic, known for its insane speeds, equally as mad fans, and tight racing. Stunning runs of jaw-dropping riding still replay online, Aaron Gwin's winning run in 2015 (the last time the World Cup made a stop here) is on a loop in the mountain's shop. This venue has been on the local DH race calendar every year since 2008 and is a staple among riders in their "what's your favorite track" list.
Use of the WC track in varying iterations is the main draw on a local level, and with UCI "HC" ranking this year, the Pro GRT is an opportunity for some Elite riders to try and score hotly-sought-after points to make the jump from domestic to international competition - and if you can race Windham, you have earned your stripes to have a go away from home.
Practice got underway in a typical fashion, with riders drifting, hucking, and causing general calamity as loose shale ricocheted off bikes, bodies, and course poles alike.
Enjoy the action, comradery and interviews from Zach Faulkner

Steve Walton in audio

Austin Hackett-Klaube in audio
Kiran MacKinnon in audio

Frida and Angelina in audio

Max in audio
Shane Leslie in audio

Anthony Evans in audio
Bruce Klein in audio

Kyle Grau in audio

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