We’re in 'squatch country. In just a 30-mile radius of Port Angeles, there have been no less than 20 sightings of the mysterious creature, 15 of which were here in Clallam county. To Northwestern tribes, there is no doubt that Sasquatch is a physical being. He is not regarded as supernatural or a spirit, he is a like any other animal or human, though his powers are that of spiritual closeness whereby he straddles the line between animal-style and human-style consciousness. Because of this, it is believed he is a messenger between Mother Earth and Mankind. For many of us, we feel that our metal steeds bring us a spiritual clarity and allow for a certain closeness to Mother Loam (often literally, when we forget that we are not superheroes, and as such, crash).
photos, story and interviews by Zach Faulkner
As I hopped out from the shuttle van, a literal U-Haul moving van, at the top of the hill, I reminded myself that today’s quest was no quest at all, as I was not hunting Bigfoot. Instead, I was relegated to the immediate proximity of the Cat 1 and Elite DH race track, attempting to capture the rapturous riding. The day was a little slow to start, riders took a some time to find their form. But, once everyone was warmed up, it was an all-out, corner-bashing and jump-hucking good time. The tight corners provided ample challenge for even the most turn-inclined, and the fresh-cut section saw the development of some spicy ruts. So notable were these dirt grooves, a special investigation unit was deployed to the scene.
Burke and Ben, Rut and Erosion Development Unit Managers (REDRUM)
KMac finds his groove
There were hints of rain throughout the practice session, even a very brief spell of hail. On a whole, the weather held off for the first half of the day. As the session closed out and I walked off the hill eating a bagel, the sky decided it couldn’t hold out any longer. I managed to thumb a ride down the shuttle road right as the opening salvo of fat drops started to fall.
By the time I’d reached the pits, the rain was so loud on EZ-Ups, most conversations quickly turned into a game of, “What? What’d you say?” Plans for friendly catch-ups and pit bits was postponed for the pre-practice, free afternoon on Saturday. What is to come? Who knows, though perhaps Sasquatch will pay one of us a visit and impart some wisdom about PNW weather cycles so we can better predict if we should run cut spikes or dry tires.
Lost Bikes - big wheels, big fun
Dylan Conte, sneakin'
Mikey Haderer, the Cheese Wheel
Warren Kniss, prefers the rain
Luca Cometti goin' XL
Tommy Zula, upside down and amped up
Ryen Melton holdin' it down for the hungry
Maximum Morgan Overdrive
Transition sent over this rad quickie vid from practice!
Luca Cometti blurring the trees with his ONE LAP from practice
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