Washington's Olympic Mountains are a staggering sight. Jagged peaks poke up from behind dark ridgelines of conifer trees, with low, dense clouds drifting through the spaces in between. The temperate rain forest is dense and green, creating a mystical feeling as you gaze into the thick vegetation.
Story, photos and interviews by Zach Faulkner
The backdrop to Port Angeles is stunning.
This is Sasquatch country, and it slowly becomes easier to understand how a big hairy beast could hide away in the hills here.
The potential for moments of science are common at Salt Creek.
The region was first explored by Spanish explorer Franciso de Eliza, who claimed the land for Spain and in the process named it Puerto de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles (Port of Our Lady of the Angels). Native tribes traded with the new-comers, but it wasn’t until the 19th century that Euro-Americans started to properly settle in the area. Initially, a small village comprised of fishermen and whalers was built, and then in 1856-1857, the first proper settlers moved into the region.
The woods are super dense here on the Olympic Pennisula. You never know who's watching.
In 1859, President Abraham Lincoln designated 3,520 acres at Port Angeles as a federal reserve for lighthouse, military, and naval purposes. 1890 saw the city dubbed the “Second National City” because it was the only other place than Washington D.C. to be officially laid out by the federal government. 1914 saw the construction of a large mill and railway as a boom in logging took off in the area, jump-starting the local economy after a small regional depression. That industry has carried on strong through the century, only finally being challenged as the breadwinner once tourism began to become a mainstay for local businesses.
Steve Walton has some interesting race preparation techinques. #weapon

There was a lot of downtime before Track Walk. Luca Cometti and Steve Walton took to skipping stones.
Lars Sternberg liked "Van Life", but wanted a little more, ergo "Mini Bus Life". Loam High, time to get educated.
Lars hits the books in the audio
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Now, in 2017 we are here for the second round of the Pro GRT, USA Cycling's national-level downhill series. The race is being held at the infamous Dry Hill track, and it’s looking anything but. Rain is in the forecast, and it’s already made itself known during track walk. It looks like we are going to be in for a wet weekend, but riders are still excited to get on track and slide around in the new, fresh-cut section of trail. This venue is one of the highest-attended events, consistently drawing over 400 riders on regular race weekends – there were over 600 entrants to this race last year. With a stacked Elite field already onsite and scoping lines, the weekend is shaping up to be a wild one! Stay tuned for the action from practice!
Dylan Conte taking a breather after a solid hike to the top of the hill.
Dylan Conte, from the East Coast by way of 3 month road trip in audio
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It's wet right out of the gate. Dylan Conte and I hiked up the road to the top, and at the start straight caught everyone who walked up the track for their ascent.
Steve Walton, giving away no secrets in audio...other than the fact he almost wadded on the walk up.
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Max and JIll walked down the hill, discussing the inside lines.
Max Morgan, stoked on the wet!
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Sick whips will be happening here, and perhaps some bathroom pitstops.
Whip Etiquette 101
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The Dry Hill track has some big gaps if you're willing to pull up and hang on.
Steve Walton on the Gnar Gap and Bruce Klein being The Hulk
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Track Walk was a seriously social affair, with a lot more banter about the goings on than line choice.
Ryen Melton providing the perfect sample for the next Top 40 MTB hip hop song.
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Custom stickers will always be cool; Luca Cometti reminding us to keep it creative.
Luca Cometti, totally, seriously committed to taking out Tanner Stephens.
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A living legend; Smokey was sending it long before Larry Enticer had even discovered denim.
No train gaps, no problems. Smoky in audio.
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Ben Furby on the new Yumps.
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This lone flower on the side of the track was a surprising find.

Tanner Stephens, hyped to ride after a long drive. (Listen in for car ride music suggestions).
Tanner Stephens, 2016 winner and road trip advice columnist
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Budweiser Factory Racing.
"We were losing money if we didn't buy these," Budweiser / Wal-Mart Factory Racing
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The light seems to turn on and off here at Dry Hill. With heavy cloud cover, it felt like it was nearly night time mid-day.
One of the nicest people you'll meet in the world of MTB, Ella Skalwold is noticeably excited for the weekend to get underway.
Ella Skalwold at her first Pro GRT
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It's going to be an all-time weekend of #USDH racing, so stay tuned to Vital MTB for the goods.