Kona Introduces Five Fun New Bikes - Sea Otter Classic 14

There is a lot to talk about at Kona!

When they aren't bowling 300s, it's full steam ahead at Kona Bikes. The Bellingham-based company used the Sea Otter Classic as a way to show off five new rides that are currently in development or soon to hit bike shop floors. We caught up with Ian Schmitt, a Kona Product Manager, for an overview of the Big Honzo CR DL hardtail, carbon-ified Process 153 CR 29 (1:30 timestamp), ground-up design of the Operator CR 29 (4:09), MTB-inspired Libre DL (6:30), and the Remote Ctrl e-bike (8:07):

Kona Big Honzo CR DL

Kona Process 153 CR DL 29

Kona Operator CR DL 29

Kona Libre DL

Kona Remote Ctrl

Visit www.konaworld.com for more details, and be sure to catch our intro feature from last year's Kona product launch for more details on the Process lineup.

What else was rad at the Sea Otter Classic? Find out!

Photos by Caleb Smith


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