Fast Five with Andrew Taylor 1

Andrew Taylor, man of many maneuvers, gets down and dirty with his Fast Five.

Are you a millionaire from your iPhone POV camera thing yet?
Soon, haha, but really we sold it to a bigger company that has the time and money to make it huge. I still have stakes in it, so I'll be helping out with marketing stuff and making sure it's dialed in. We've totally re-designed and re-named it so you should see a relaunch in the next couple of months. I'll keep ya posted.

Throw me some stats about you and Watts and your beer pong challenges. Who's the champ?
Let's just say Greg might have stolen a hand off of a mannequin, painted it gold and glued a ping pong ball in it for the current champ. That hand is sitting on my top shelf. Greg if you're reading this let me know when you want a rematch.

What trick do you hope to see thrown down at AT's Showdown this year?
I heard umbrella boys claiming a 1080. That'd be cool.

If you had one do-over in life, what would it be?
I forget her name...

So I'm talking to Wells Fargo about sponsoring your Showdown comps and they want to put $50,000,000 into the event. The caveat is that they don't want a contest, they want a one-rider demo and you pick the rider. Who would you choose
Nice! If you lock it down with 10% going straight to the after party, I'm down. I'd choose TMac because he's got sick style and a big ol' bag of tricks to back it up.

2010 AT's Showdown Video. The 2011 AT's Showdown is right around the corner and looks like it's going to be a cracker!

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