More and more often World Cup downhillers at the pointy end of the results were singing the praises of the Leogang, Austria, World Cup downhill venue. Internet lurkers, however, had perpetuated the rumor that downhill racing was eeking out its last breaths as Leogang and other boring bike park tracks leeched life from our once-gonzo activity. Who's right? Who's wrong? Did it matter if Aaron Gwin could win the race with two flat tires while riding his bike backwards? Or if Josh Bryceland could win on 26-inch wheels in the face of everyone else using 27.5?
Gwin is the most winningest racer, male or female, here and also the most recent winner. He's going to be hard to beat but there are enough track changes to level the field...perhaps. Sven Martin
Rider audio interviews with Vali Holl, Aaron Gwin, Amaury Pierron, Troy Brosnan, Brendan Fairclough, Sam Blenkinsop, Eddie Masters, Gee Atherton, Connor Fearon, Marcelo Gutierrez, Myriam Nicole and more.
According to the Vital YouTube channel, the first Leogang Vital RAW video of 2017 was the second-highest-viewed World Cup Vital RAW from that year, sandwiched between Andorra (#1) and Mont-Sainte-Anne (#3). That must mean Leogang was full of epic action or YouTube viewers are really strange. While it's probably the latter, Leogang must have had some kind of attention-grabbing quality, right?
The landing for the first jump is now the entry to the first off-camber corner. Dan Hearn
Not a single tire mark on this new off-camber. We had very heavy rain this evening and we can't wait for practice tomorrow. morning! Troy Audio @maddogboris
It looks like Kade is off the course. Well, he is off last year's course but he is slap-bang in the middle of this year's course. Steep, fresh, off-camber goodness. Sven Martin
Vali Höll getting her prize money for winning the Fort William Vital Whip contest! Stoked! Dan Hearn
Well now, for the 2018 UCI Mountain Bike World Cup DH, Leogang is certainly grabbing our attention. Despite the gorgeous views and the first-class accommodations, Leogang was tired of being Anthony Michael Hall in The Breakfast Club and decided to become Anthony Michael Hall in War Machine. So long bike park (mostly) and hello super-nasty-off-camber-radness-that-may-be-death-in-the-rain Leogang.
The root-stump-sucker-chucker is back and it looks like it will be a legit line option this year. Charlie Hatton not afraid of a big huck. Gee is on the landing for some perspective. Sven Martin
Is that you Sam Hill? Danny plans his route through the final rooty section. Dan Hearn
This new track split will leave riders divided. Slow in fast out or vice versa? Dan HearnPhil Atwill, one of the most outspoken critics of the Leogang course, practiced on a hardtail last year as a hoping-to-go-viral protest, yet one of the sickest World Cup DH photos of 2017 (our opinion and some of yours) was Mr. Atwill flirting his knobs with the knuckle of a perfectly manicured, gravel-covered table top creating an orgasmic release of said gravel. How can such a boring track produce such incredible imagery? While the motorway where Phil's fabulous photo was captured is still in tact, we may not have to question such paradoxes any longer as the riders seem satiated with the course changes.
A meal fit for Boris and ex-cons. photos by Sven Martin
Percentage-wise, Sven has more female Insta followers than Gee. #blameEnduroLoic's Stumpjumper piss-take may be the last time we see riders lash out at Leogang thanks to these new changes. There's the argument that Leogang, with the bike park sections, always made for great racing, which can't be denied. The final results in Austria were always determined by the smallest slivers of temporal measurement. There's the counter-argument, however, that if our World Cup heroes sprinted against the clock down a brick road (which sort of happened in Croatia), the racing would be exciting. True, too.
Caro Gehrig from the EWS circuit having a sniff at DH this weekend after some inspiration from Cecile Ravanel. Her switch to Norco means she finally has a DH bike to ride. Sven Martin
Some of the Kiwi National Junior team, out here en force prepping for World Champs, and life in general, thanks to Subway and Cycling NZ. Craig Pattle on the chaperone and coaching duties and not pictured, Josh Oxam. Sven Martin
Brook, Laurie and Mike in an old section with some new line options! @maddogboris
When you're waiting around the tunnels for certain teams to arrive, some weird ideas pop into your head. Gnarlys Angels (TM) Dan HearnLet's hope the Leogang lameness debate is long gone and we can focus on Leogang's finer things like Boris' dream meal offered at one of the local dining establishments; bread, water and a cigarette for mere pocket change. Well that, and some roosty, grassy, foot-out action from a weekend of shredding! Get the inside scoops from Sven, Boris and Dan and stay tuned for another weekend of World Cup DH racing on Vital.
Remi Thirion's crash here last year was proof enough that a chicane was needed after the final fadeaway to slow riders down. Dan Hearn
It took a while to explain Kaos, but in the end he nailed his umbrella motowhip! @maddogboris
I asked Blenki if he is giving a Thumbs up or Thumps down. #glovelessthumbs @maddogboris
Trek ladies about to be surprised by a rather abrupt right hand turn. @Sven MartinWhat do you think about the Leogang course changes?
Lead, follow or get out of the way. This section always has traffic during track walk making lines hard to spot. Dan Hearn
Josh Bryceland is here in spirit out in the green, just where he wants to be. Last World Cup DH won on a 26-inch bike. Sven Martin
Not everyone busts out fresh, brand-new tires for training when last week's only have a run or two on them. The big Ft. Bill clean up took most of the day Wednesday. Sven Martin
Reece fresh off a two-day drive. Neck pillow and muscles stretches mandatory. Also the most tanned Scotsman I've ever seen. Sven Martin
In the pits! Rest of world take note: Bio-organic vending machine stocked only with products from small farms and local businesses. Technology done right. But a hot dog from a vending machine is still a hot dog from a vending machine. Sven Martin
In case you forgot we are in Austria. Where ebikes and other weird things are common sight. Sven Martin
Looks like the Canyon Factory Team figured out where the mystery poo in the shower was coming from. See the video below. @maddogboris
Myriam Nicole flirting with the mountains! She is still wearing the leader's jersey and hungry for another win. @maddogboris
Somehow I ended up with such a serious looking Amaury Pierron shot even though he had such fun walking the track. @maddogboris
Do you guys remember when the man-made rock garden was new, kind of weird but also rough? A couple years later, most parts are filled up with mud and theres not much left from the ROCK garden. Connor Fearon contemplates. @maddogboris
Track walk day is also ride day and a chance to stretch the legs after a long couple of days traveling. Dan Hearn
The weather predictions and fresh-cut off-camber sections might mean tire choice becomes crucial for the first time this World Cup season. Dan Hearn
Dean Lucas has been monitored closely and been concussion tested multiple times since his big crash in Fort William. We'll see if he decides to race tomorrow. Dan Hearn
The Vital MTB Fort-Bill-to-Leogang shuttle service was operating at maximum capacity. Dan Hearn
Marcelo with some original artwork from Yasmeen Green. Stoked! Sven Martin
Death gripping your phone is no big deal when you have big-time sponsors like Lifeproof. Especially when you are not winning money in whip off contests. Sven Martin
George Brannigan is stoked to be here with the team in Europe, escaping a chilly NZ. He will not be riding the big bike for a few more weeks though. He will be trackside helping the squad with lines. Sven Martin
Serious Selfie Game when you are double life-size and a storm is brewing. Sven Martin
Kiwis on tour. Cole Lucas and Matt Walker. Sven Martin
The unsung true heroes of the World Cup circuit. The truckies making the dash from Ft. Bill to Leogang to bring the circus to town. Sven Martin
iPhone Eddie on the media game time-lapsing the Pivot pits popping up on Wednesday. sven
Mono knows not to leave his cage until he's given permission. @maddogboris
I wouldn't rely on these guys for directions. When you're as big-time as Boris, total strangers print T-shirts honoring your tattoos and come find you for a photo. Dan Hearn
Leogang is famous for its high speed sections, now with some more steeps thrown in the mix. Brakes will have to be bang-on for the start of practice tomorrow. Dan Hearn
It's all about the passion and matching colors! @maddogboris
Usual routine for the mechanics In every pit, the same picture. @maddogboris
Out with the old in with the new! @maddogboris
That proud moment when you find out a bike park named a trail after you! #mongobongo Dan Hearn
No reason for Gee Atherton to hide behind fences. Go get some Gee! @maddogboris
Dan said it looks like a loaf of bread, actually its just one of the fresh cuts roots in one of the new sections. @maddogboris
Always good times in the SRAM pits. If you need your brakes bled ask for John, he will be happy! @maddogboris
Specialized Gravity going to figure out of if the Stumpy is the play. @maddogboris
Laurie Greendland with some Street Hardtail Action! @maddogboris
Mille Johnset with some belated prize money from Fort William. @maddogboris
Memories from Fort William in the Commencal truck. Back to back World Cups means no time to visit home between races. Dan Hearn
The Transition team checking out memories from Tahnée's first World Cup win here in 2017. Dan Hearn
Andrew Neethling took track walk seriously to help prepare for his helmet cam run with Loic tomorrow. Dan Hearn
Some heavy rain is predicted over the weekend which will make conditions interesting. Dan Hearn
Leogang's mountains were looking more like Indonesia than Austria this morning. Dan Hearn
Another day done in Leogang! Sven Martin
Thanks to Sven, Boris and Dan and stay tuned for more all weekend long in Austria!
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