20" Tuesday - A Tribute to Pat Casey 1

Twenty-inch Tuesday highlights BMX content that gets us stoked to ride bikes. The wheels might be tiny, but the tricks are huge, and brakes are never mandatory.

On June 6, 2023, the world tragically lost professional BMX rider Pat Casey in a motorcycle accident. Well-known as one of the most determined and innovative riders during his decorated career, Pat was always the rider to lay down a shocking trick during a park and dirt jump contest or end a video part with a worlds-first. His riding always spoke for itself and will stand the test of time. Always a BMX rider second to being a father and husband first, we send our deepest condolences to his wife, two children, and extended loved ones. Gone way too soon, but never forgotten! 

Below is just a sample of some of Pat's insane video parts over the years, as well as a Gofundme link to donate to his family to help during these difficult times.   


Thank you to all of the brands, sites, and filmers for creating these videos!


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