Global League


Welcome to the Vital MTB Downhill Fantasy Global League. This is where you will see results for everyone playing Vital Fantasy Downhill. Good luck!

League Standings

High Score
Low Score
Avg Score
Rank Player Points
2101 1962
2102 1960
2103 1960
2104 1957
2105 1954
2106 1953
2107 1950
2108 1945
2109 1945
2110 1942
2111 1941
2112 1940
2113 1939
2114 1933
2115 1931
2116 1931
2117 1928
2118 1927
2119 1925
2120 1924
2121 1923
2122 1923
2123 1921
2124 1919
2125 1919
2126 1918
2127 1918
2128 1917
2129 1917
2130 1916
2131 1915
2132 1914
2133 1912
2134 1908
2135 1908
2136 1908
2137 1906
2138 1906
2139 1900
2140 1900
2141 1896
2142 1895
2143 1893
2144 1893
2145 1892
2146 1891
2147 1885
2148 1885
2149 1883
2150 1882
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