Team Billy Goat Bikes - Mountain Khakis is stoked to be sporting POC Sports gear for the 2012 Season. POC has the SICKEST colors on the circuit and expect to see the team shredding with some wild and crazy color combos, head to toe, digit to digit. Below is the "final" design for the Pink and Black jerseys........ Blue/Green/Red are planned as well.

Thanks to all our sponsors: Mountain Khakis, Billy Goat Bikes, Rocky Mountain Bicycles, Loaded Precision Components, Black Market Bikes, Feedback Sports, Smith Optics, Zerode Bicycles, POC Sports, Suspension Experts.
Team BGB-MK Website: Team BGB-MK
MK Website: Mountain Khakis
Facebook: Team BGB-MK on Facebook
Twitter: Team BGB-MK on Twitter
For any further information please contact: Jay Schultz, VitalMTB ID: waterdog, Team BGB-Mountain Khakis – Public Relations

Thanks to all our sponsors: Mountain Khakis, Billy Goat Bikes, Rocky Mountain Bicycles, Loaded Precision Components, Black Market Bikes, Feedback Sports, Smith Optics, Zerode Bicycles, POC Sports, Suspension Experts.
Team BGB-MK Website: Team BGB-MK
MK Website: Mountain Khakis
Facebook: Team BGB-MK on Facebook
Twitter: Team BGB-MK on Twitter
For any further information please contact: Jay Schultz, VitalMTB ID: waterdog, Team BGB-Mountain Khakis – Public Relations

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