Another weekend at home playing in the woods, with new lines and obsticles to keep us and hopefully you entertained :-)
We had some new camera equipment we were using/testing on this film, one was a camera slider which out performed our expectations and the second was a zip line camera (pic above) which worked really well here but was a bit harder to judge the speed and camera angle especially at the bottom of the track where the speed picked up.
Enjoy the video bellow: The write up continues beneath;

The winter has been kind to us down here in the south this year. We have dodged most of the subzero blizzard conditions every ones been having. That said it’s still been dark and wet for the past few months. We get a bit bad press down here for having no hills, and generally being a bit soft, but there's a fair few of us kickin around down here who beg to differ.

While most of the pretty boys have been tucked up on there turbo trainers watching TV, us lot have been out being busy. Our main focus has been putting tools in the soil at a new downhill spot we found over the summer deep in the chalky southern woods.
Between the two of us we have dropped in two new tracks which are both just over 1 and a 1/2 minutes long. Its been a long lonely, with many long solo dig days in the pissing rain. But the fruits have been sweet as the woods have turned out to be packed with loads of original and wild features which are pretty rare to find.

The tracks have been perfect to stretch our legs on and get in some speed time on the DH bikes ready for next year. We tried to pack in as much difficulty as possible and still keep in interesting, using the natural features on the hill. Including using some seriously steep gradient which for an area which is supposed to be flat is pretty fun.
We are all looking forward to having this much fun as soon as the racing season is back on. See you there!
Trole Industries Apparel..........................................Trole Industries Bike Team
S2AS ..................................................................................MTB Photography
s2as.com ...................................................................facebook.com/mtbphotography
Shot on
Panasonic Lumix GH2
Canon EOS 550D
Music - The Rolling Stones
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