Got a little carried away on this one considering it was for a 5 year old. Even though he outgrew it in just over a season, it was worth it. The bike's been down Whistler and and lots of sections a 5-6 year old wouldn't normally ride. The 3 speed internal gearing is perfect for learning: climbing, flat and downhill gear. No derailleur to drag on the ground like on most 20" wheels.
Additional Info:
Got a little carried away on this one considering it was for a 5 year old. Even though he outgrew it in just over a season, it was worth it. The bike's been down Whistler and and lots of sections a 5-6 year old wouldn't normally ride. The 3 speed internal gearing is perfect for learning: climbing, flat and downhill gear. No derailleur to drag on the ground like on most 20" wheels.
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