At AAAG, tradition has been blended with technology seamlessly. The original Shah Bhogilal Jethalal & Bros factory has an 80 year old history. With time, old machinery has been replaced with the latest CNC machines, and its employees have upgraded their skills to match the work demands. Today, AAAG boasts a modern 50,000 sq. feet factory equipped with state-of-the-art foundry, manufacturing and testing facilities, and several retained ancillary units. Main AAAG infrastructure and facilities cover:
The AAAG manufacturing facility houses an electric foundry of XX tones capacity, with both ferrous and non-ferrous capability. The foundry is state of the art, with minimal environmental impact. Different casting techniques are available, which include Investment casting, Gravity Die casting, and Foam casting.
Workshops have been set up at three different locations and have the requisite machining capacity in terms of turning, milling, slotting operations. The latest CNC machines for each of the above types are available to meet any machining and production requirement. Grinding, drilling and buffing machines of different types and capacities are also available. Assembly beds of different types and sizes are available, suited to the different types of products.
A fully integrated paint shop with sand blasting, paint spray booth and drying facility is available in-house. Powder coating facility is also available, consisting of
Internal facility for raw materials testing is available with a chemical laboratory equipped with all testing facilities. Dimensional testing is carried out at different stages and the shop is equipped with all types of thread gauges of reputed make. All normal measuring instruments such as Dial Vernier caliper, thickness measuring gauges, combination set, Micrometers, set of slip gauges are fully and regularly calibrated.
Test beds for Hydraulic Pressure Testing are available, allowing simultaneous testing of multiple products. Hydraulic test pressures up to 65 kg/cm2 can be generated at the facility. Internal and External flow testing of products is possible, with flow capacity from 50 lpm to 15000 lpm! Our external flow testing for monitors has multiple large capacity pumps, test beds and facilities for monitor range testing. Foam quality testing (expansion, drainage) is possible.
External testing for physical/ chemical properties is possible at leading, accredited laboratories of the country.
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, IN