SprSonik's Santa Cruz- AKA Komodo

General Info
Basically just an all around trail shredding Enduro ready Single Speed hardtail. @ 64.5 HTA. I've taken a podium spot in Hardtail Class Enduro on it, done long XC rides, and run it down some pretty gnarly terrain. The only limits I've found are my legs (34x16 is tough on hills) and my desire not to kill myself in a crash. It was previously set up as a geared 120mm single track slayer, but I actually prefer the slacked out mode for all around riding. There is nothing stock aside from the frame and post clamp (for now).
Basically just an all around trail shredding Enduro ready Single Speed hardtail. @ 64.5 HTA. I've taken a podium spot in Hardtail Class Enduro on it, done long XC rides, and run it down some pretty gnarly terrain. The only limits I've found are my legs (34x16 is tough on hills) and my desire not to kill myself in a crash. It was previously set up as a geared 120mm single track slayer, but I actually prefer the slacked out mode for all around riding. There is nothing stock aside from the frame and post clamp (for now).