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2022 NW Cup #1 Port Angeles Race Report 1

We're Back!  April is always a great time in the PNW. It means that DH is back and the NW Cup kicks off in always sunny Port Angeles, WA! Riders from across the country make the trek out to the Olympic Peninsula for one of the classic races of the year, hosted by the always amazing Dry Hill.  The weekend started with some rain on Friday, and everyone warming up Friday night with an opening kickoff party sponsored by Deschutes Brewery with a massive raffle from all of the sponsors. While Friday may not have been the driest day on the mountain, by the end of the weekend we were in gorgeous sunshine and warmth all over the mountain.  From Cat 3 u7 to some of the top world cup pros, everyone comes to Dry Hill for a fun weekend of racing with friends, getting some bragging rights, and saying goodbye to winter, and hello to a season of racing your friends and seeing who is truly faster.

Kirk McDowall coming in for the win over multiple world cup pros.

Niko Langland providing sweep before the Pro race.

People are out and ready for some racing in always sunny Port Angeles!

Tyler Jaworski keeping it low and fast, eyes on the prize.

Jacob Guyer keeping it smooth.

Cash Shaleen with the fastest Cat 2 (all ages) time of the day.

Carter Hendrick floating into 2nd in Cat 2 17-18

Bode Burke winning Cat 2 15-16

Berms a plenty through White Knuckle...but that doesn't make them easy!

Anthony Jones styling through Cat 2.

Ella Erickson 4th in Pro Women.

Seth Sherlock showing his team leader Aaron Gwin how to really do a bar hump.

Charlie Connell keeping it fast in Jr. X.

Tegan Cruz pushing hard (a little too hard) in Jr. X.

Demetri Triantafillou keeping it fast and smooth and hitting the step down larger than most on the step down.

Kailey Skelton on her way to winning Pro Women

Ethan Fedor harnessing the power of the Saquatch (or is it Teen Wolf?)

Crowds ready for a new helmet.
Was this the worst helmet?
Winner of the new TLD helmet for the Ugly helmet contest.

Cole Suetos roosting his way through the Friday mud.

Crosby Zimmerman railing turns.

Westley Corrigan sending the lower knuckle jumps.

Some race runs just don't go as planned....

Cash Shaleen...with the afterburners on.

Sam Toohey tucking around trees and keeping the faster line.

Demetri Triantafillou sending it into the rock slab. Off the ground is faster than on the ground for this man.

Charlie Sponsel making a return to racing on the NW Cup series!

Nelson and Trina are the beloved USAC officials that run the start of every NW Cup race. After a health scare this winter, the entire NW Cup family is ecstatic to see Nelson still coming to the races and helping the start crew out. You can't keep these two away from a NW Cup race!

Last year Andrew Ratkoviak had an unfortunate incident with a stump off track.... This year Casey presented him with what is left of that stump. Long term Andrew won!

Pro Women's podium
Pro Men's podium

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