Pivot Firebird 29 2

General Info
Stoked on this bike, she's even more beautiful in person. Firebird 29 X01 Eagle Reynolds with a personalized cockpit. She has a need for speed, crazy how this bike handles, it's making it tough to find it's real limits before mine. One of the most impressive things about the bike is how playful she is. I came off a 27.5 firebird and one of my biggest problems was bottoming resistance, even with full tokens in the X2 and 30% sag, the bottoms were harsh. The progressivety of the rear on this bike is noticed right away, I have yet to have a crazy harsh bottom on this bike and even with jumping from a M to a L this bike is so much more playful than the 27.5 Firebird, she loves to be in the air. First time running a Magic Mary and the new Hans Dampf, they have grip like no other but are wearing quickly.
Stoked on this bike, she's even more beautiful in person. Firebird 29 X01 Eagle Reynolds with a personalized cockpit. She has a need for speed, crazy how this bike handles, it's making it tough to find it's real limits before mine. One of the most impressive things about the bike is how playful she is. I came off a 27.5 firebird and one of my biggest problems was bottoming resistance, even with full tokens in the X2 and 30% sag, the bottoms were harsh. The progressivety of the rear on this bike is noticed right away, I have yet to have a crazy harsh bottom on this bike and even with jumping from a M to a L this bike is so much more playful than the 27.5 Firebird, she loves to be in the air. First time running a Magic Mary and the new Hans Dampf, they have grip like no other but are wearing quickly.
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