Blog Post

Freeriding in east of France



 In this video, I set out to work on a few tricks - a bar drop, flip bar, and tailwhip - and I also wanted to try a stepdown flip. While exploring, I came across an old, abandoned mining site that seemed like the perfect spot to dig and set up a jump for the stepdown flip.


 I also wanted to capture some classic freeride vibes, so I included a few clips of me riding through some fun singletracks and steep, leaf-covered slopes. The real surprise came when I spotted some massive sandstone rocks that looked rideable. I was pretty stoked about it, so I spent some time shaping them up, and luckily we got some great shots of me riding on them.


 It wasn’t anything too crazy, but it was a solid day of riding and building, and I’m just grateful for the opportunity to enjoy the trails and share it with you all.


—Martin Bachmann




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flip bar0 1


flip step down 20 1


roche coucou 20 21


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