Boise, ID
Edited Date/Time
6/21/2017 7:17pm
I'm curious to find out if you Vital readers have noticed many bikes with plus size tires out on the trails when you ride. It may be a bit early in the season to get a good grasp of how many are out there, but here's a completely unscientific poll. If you have a plus-sized bike, chime in on seeing others besides your own haha. It probably wouldn't hurt to share where you live/ride, too!
Then maybe two other times in Laguna. One of those was on an ebike, so that might not count.
But in reality... nuschool-plusboostninerwhatever ... never. If I did, I would avert my eyes.
In Alaska I've actually seen a legit fat bike being ridden in legit conditions. A rare sight.
I think Unno is the only Company that doesn't like them ,they said that they are slow.
Moved back to Australia 3 months ago and haven't seen one.
As mentioned in a previous topic: we are slowly getting overrun with E-bikes however...
They're funky
I shredded a pair of Fat B Nimble tires in under 500 miles but have had zero flats with the Trax Fatties currently on it. Haven't had a flat in more than 10 months.
27.5 was just made up so yanks could wrap their heads around 650b. Funnily enough, both trek and spesh call it 650b which is nice to see. Maybe there's hope for the USA yet...
In relation to this article 6 fatties have been popular. Regular wheels still out sell them but they're making up a solid potion of sales over here in the midlands. Personally building up a 'regular' 650b bike though.
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