Kade Edwards Destroying Dyfi Bike Park | Red Bull Sound of Speed 4

Kade adding his own flavor to some classic Dyfi lines.

Five years on from his last Sound of Speed instalment with Kaos Seagrave, Kade Edwards returns with his first solo edit. Red Bull’s Sound of Speed series showcases the very best of the world’s MTB riders in pure video form, with just the sound of the bike, rider and the trail they are riding to enhance the experience for the viewer. It’s a series which has featured the best that MTB has to offer, with the likes of Tahnée Seagrave, Tomas Slavik and Brage Vestavik showcased in recent years.


This edit is classic Kade. Fast, flowing and aggressive riding, combined with unique and beautiful lines. His original take on well-ridden features in Wales’ Dyfi Bike Park is a sight to behold. Sit back and watch one of the best bike handlers in the business do what he does best.

Kade Edwards said, “I love the Sound of Speed series. It does such an amazing job of capturing the rawness of MTB. It’s always so much fun filming projects like these and I’m so stoked with the final result”


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